Meet the Committee

Note for volunteers: If you need to contact any committee member that does not have their committee email listed here, please use our internal database to find their contact information (this is to prevent spam).

Nightline Committee, 2024-2025:

External Co-ordinators: Manon and Mikey

Our job as External Coordinators is to manage Norwich Nightline’s relations with any external bodies, whether that be the Students’ Union, UEA itself, the Nightline Association or the press. We are the public faces of the committee, so you’ll likely see us giving any Nightline-related speeches and at events around campus. We also have general strategic oversight of the Norwich Nightline branch and try to keep the service operating at a good standard.

If you have a professional enquiry, feel free to contact us at We would be happy to hear from you!

Internal Co-ordinators: Alice and Ann

As Internal Co-ordinators, we are responsible for the welfare of our volunteers.

Contact us at

Secretary: TJ

As Secretary, I take minutes and generally keep everything organised for our committee meetings. I also organise our statistics and book rooms.

Contact me at

Policy Officer: Currently Vacant

My role as Policy Officer is to maintain, uphold, and adjust Norwich Nightline’s policies in relation to all aspects of its operation. I also attend Union Council on Nightline’s behalf and am responsible for sustaining our non-judgemental, apolitical stance at these meetings.

For policy enquiries, contact me at

Treasurer: Soumyajit

I manage the finances and budget of Norwich Nightline and make sure all expenses are approved by the committee.

Publicity Officer: TJ

As Publicity Officer, I spend most of my time running social media and setting up publicity events to ensure that people know about the service and that Nightline gets volunteers at each intake.

Contact us at

Training Officer: Mikey and Manon (interim)

As Training Officer, It is my responsibility to organise our training weekends and the recruitment of all our new volunteers.

Contact us at:

Technology & New Media Officer: Shared among committee members

As Technology Officer, I am responsible for all things technology related at Norwich Nightline. This includes managing our Norwich Nightline website, as well as helping resolve any tasks and issues regarding our office technologies and online internal systems.

Tech queries can be sent to:

Office Organiser: Manon

I am responsible for keeping the office comfortable and well stocked for volunteers on shift!

Social Secretary: Eirlys

My role is to organise socials for the Nightline community. My goal is to make sure everyone feels included and has a chance to meet each other outside of the office. Throughout the year I organise bar crawls, quizzes and other social events. Any social events will follow government guidance related to COVID-19.

Supplementary Training: Currently vacant

As Supplementary Training Officer, I will be providing all sorts of additional training that will ensure our volunteers are prepared and confident.

Generals: Summer

We are general committee members which means we’re here to help the other committee members with anything they need throughout the year, and fill in for any absences.